Elizabeth and Victor / René and Jolanda are moving to Uganda

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René en Jolanda NieuwenkampWhois René en Jolanda Nieuwenkamp

René was born in 1964, Jolanda in 1968. We married in 1988 and are proud of our 3 independent boys, who are discovering their own goal of life in the world.


I have been raised in a small village besides Rotterdam, together with my father, mother and brother. Our family life was a refuge in believe, caring and living with Christ. Presbitarian believe was the basis of my youth until my age of 15. In 2009, God spoke to my heart and emotions, after that moment He did not leave me anymore. I embraced Him and during our stay in Israel, in 2011, I was baptised in river Jordaan. For now, Jesus is my best friend. Through Him, we are able to share His love in our family, among our friends and neigbours. The gospel of grace, His love, is our basis to continue our life.


I lived a life of challenges. In our family, the best was almost good enough. In my youth I was a member of a baptist church, where I was baptised as well. The challenges of my youth, rose a power inside of me to encourage others in being who and what they are in Christ and to share the love of God, that empowers people in believe in themselves. I believe that all human beings are created righteous and beautiful in His plan for the world. His strength in me, gives me wings to fly away and to share the gospel of grace. It's time for Africa.

Onze visie en missie

Jesus is the center of our lives. He fills us with so much joy and life in our hearts, that it flows over towards other people. This started to be the goal for a new life in Him.

In 2009, Jolanda had the chance to visit Uganda for the first time. The first voyage beyond the borders of Europe. 2009 is as well our start of knowledge of the gospel of grace. Our believe, apart from religion, encouraged us to take a major step to be released of worldy securities and to follow the voice of our hearts. Hearts that flow over of love to help others. In our case, we chose for Africa, to support, fellowship and live amongst children with a much worse start of life than us.

We strongly believe in Mark 16 in which Jesus tells his disciples: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..In my name ..they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

We believe that as husband and wife, together with our brother and friend Pastor Moses Mugalasi, we will be supporting children and give them a basis for a Godly future. A life that is meant to be lived for.

Mercy and Grace is over you, blessing René en Jolanda.

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